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NIAOULI (Melaleuca viridiflora)

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Price £5.25 inc. VAT
Code: 46

Niaouli (Melaleuca viridiflora)

Location: Niaouli grows in Australia and New Caledonia.

Extraction: Steam distilled from the leaves.

Colour and Odour: The essential oil is colourless and has a strong camphorous aroma.

Description: A large tree with bushy foliage and yellow flowers.

Background: Introduced into European use by the French, Niaouli is used in several French hospital wards for its antiseptic properties.

Properties: Antiseptic, anti- inflammatory.


Skin: Good for cleaning minor wounds, cuts and grazes.

Emotion: Good for treating mental fatigue and confusion.

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NIAOULI (Melaleuca viridiflora)

NIAOULI (Melaleuca viridiflora)
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